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Dancing Tao presents

Ecstasy Radio

Dancing Tao presents
Ecstasy Radio

"Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul.”
- Plato


Ecstasy Radio offers DJ mixes and occasional live transmissions for ecstatic dancers and movement meditators. It is a fusion of DJ culture and Gabrielle Roth's 5Rhythms Waves practice, with influences from Movement Medicine and various strands of creative, shamanic and Taoist practice. More info.

If you use & appreciate the service, please consider making a donation to support new productions and keep the energy flowing. Thank you!


1, Clear some dancing space, close the door and turn off the phones
2, Line-up the mix or tune into the live stream
3, Turn the lights down and the sound up
4, Press Play
5, Breathe... and Move

Goes without saying: you are responsible for setting-up a safe space and holding & completing your own journey.

Transitions II
Ecstasy Radio: Transitions IIEcstasy Radio: Transitions II
2019 Integration Wave 1hr 11mins
Dance for Life
Ecstasy Radio: Dance for LifeEcstasy Radio: Dance for Life
A Wave for the XR Pink Boat 53mins
Looking for the Light
Ecstasy Radio: Looking for the LightEcstasy Radio: Looking for the Light
The Way of the Dancer vol.2 71mins
Unity Prayer
Ecstasy Radio: Unity PrayerEcstasy Radio: Unity Prayer
Love is the Way... part 1 1hour 1min
Let The Rhythm Just
Ecstasy Radio: Let The Rhythm JustEcstasy Radio: Let The Rhythm Just
The Way of the Dancer vol. 1 46mins
Move On Up
Ecstasy Radio: Move On UpEcstasy Radio: Move On Up
Funk & Soul wave 45mins
The Alchemy of Rhythm
Ecstasy Radio: The Alchemy of RhythmEcstasy Radio: The Alchemy of Rhythm
Dancing in the Sky Fire 55mins
Luminous Worlds
Ecstasy Radio: Luminous WorldsEcstasy Radio: Luminous Worlds
Embodied Lunar Dream Journey 79 mins
The Bare Bones Wave
Ecstasy Radio: The Bare Bones WaveEcstasy Radio: The Bare Bones Wave
5 tracks, 5 Rhythms - do the practice 24mins
Rhythms of the River
Ecstasy Radio: Rhythms of the RiverEcstasy Radio: Rhythms of the River
5Rhythms practice wave 39mins
Elemental Medicine
Ecstasy Radio: Elemental MedicineEcstasy Radio: Elemental Medicine
Earth, Fire, Water, Wind... an MM practice journey 61mins
Dreaming & Creating
Ecstasy Radio: Dreaming & CreatingEcstasy Radio: Dreaming & Creating
The Yin and Yang of Movement Medicine 65mins
Jungle Medicine: Concrete
Ecstasy Radio: Jungle Medicine: ConcreteEcstasy Radio: Jungle Medicine: Concrete
Jungle Medicine 1: Concrete 62mins
Jungle Medicine: Forest
Ecstasy Radio: Jungle Medicine: ForestEcstasy Radio: Jungle Medicine: Forest
Jungle Medicine 2: Forest 50mins
Postcards from Babylon
Ecstasy Radio: Postcards from BabylonEcstasy Radio: Postcards from Babylon
Soundtrack for the urban situation & our transformation 80mins
Dragons on the Mountain
Ecstasy Radio: Dragons on the MountainEcstasy Radio: Dragons on the Mountain
Audio-portrait of dancingTao 61mins
Gold of the Maya
Ecstasy Radio: Gold of the MayaEcstasy Radio: Gold of the Maya
A medicine wave for 2012 72mins
The Tao of Samhain
Ecstasy Radio: The Tao of SamhainEcstasy Radio: The Tao of Samhain
For peering through the veil... 40mins
Sweet in the Mornin'
Ecstasy Radio: Sweet in the Mornin'Ecstasy Radio: Sweet in the Mornin'
Rhythms & Reality, part 1 38mins
Nocturnal Detours
Ecstasy Radio: Nocturnal DetoursEcstasy Radio: Nocturnal Detours
Rhythms & Reality, part 2 49mins
Ecstatic Dragons
Ecstasy Radio: Ecstatic DragonsEcstasy Radio: Ecstatic Dragons
Sweaty Thursdays circa 2006... 72mins
Flight of the London Eagle
Ecstasy Radio: Flight of the London EagleEcstasy Radio: Flight of the London Eagle
An electronic wave for urban soaring... 50mins
Earthdreamers Journey
Ecstasy Radio: Earthdreamers JourneyEcstasy Radio: Earthdreamers Journey
Deep world dreaming... 75mins
It's Our Future
Ecstasy Radio: It's Our FutureEcstasy Radio: It's Our Future
Climate Change Special 58mins
Nu-Movements Online
Ecstasy Radio: Nu-Movements OnlineEcstasy Radio: Nu-Movements Online
Weekly live sessions on Zoom
Nu-Movements 09-04-2020
Ecstasy Radio: Nu-Movements 09-04-2020Ecstasy Radio: Nu-Movements 09-04-2020
Dancing under Lockdown - archive class 2hrs 05mins
The Brexit Broadcast
Ecstasy Radio: The Brexit BroadcastEcstasy Radio: The Brexit Broadcast
Transmission, movement and the referendum 22-06-2016 2 hrs 40mins
5Rhythms by Radio
Ecstasy Radio: 5Rhythms by RadioEcstasy Radio: 5Rhythms by Radio
The original 'Radio Wave', broadcast live on Resonance FM back in 2004 88mins
Radio Waves
Ecstasy Radio: Radio WavesEcstasy Radio: Radio Waves
Live Transmissions from the dancingTao studio